
Commons in STITCHES as Deputy Speaker Laing says she can discern 'Scottish voices' shouting no!

Commons in STITCHES as Deputy Speaker Laing says she can discern 'Scottish voices' shouting no! The NHS funding bill has passed third reading without a division, although there was quite some chaos in the House of Commons tonight.

Scottish MPs have not been able to vote on NHS funding in England despite arguments that the legislation could have a knock on effect on devolved regions.

SNP politicians have spent much of the afternoon arguing they should be allowed to vote on the bill to increase spending south of their border despite healthcare being a devolved issue - leaving Holyrood in charge of maintaining Scotland's health service.

However Ms Laing said the scope of the bill falls under the rules on English Votes for English Laws (EVEL).

Deputy Speaker Laing says she can discern “Scottish voices” shouting no

The NHS Funding Bill has now passed its Third Reading without a division.



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