"You're in hell right now- that is Helios above your head! Horus- you count off your hours. There is no way to fuck this up. You see the shadows on your porch. You move your clocks forward and backwards. The Sun is moving inwards and outward across the flat earth plane. It's 32 nautical miles in diameter. There is no way to fuck this up. At High Noon the white sun is roughly 3100 miles away from you.The Black Sun is fixed, it's at the center of the flat earth plane- it's 800 nautical miles in diameter. This is what causes the green astral jet to come shooting out. "
Satan- Mark Braun the Antichrist- The Devil- The Prince of Darkness
Hebrews 2 :14
14 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—
Leviticus 17 :11
11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.
II Corinthians 4:4 Satan Owns this World.
You are enslaved by these beings who are using blood to enslave you into Sodom and Gomorrah~ with paper money with God's name on it.. they are using blood to keep you asleep!!!... we are using our blood to break the spell and bring heaven on earth.... jesus the sun is the collective consciousness of the the black hole we are in.how can you not worship other humans when he created them too? We are supposed to do away with time and money and worship each other.. we have to put our blood up to escape this nightmare...YOUR SILENCE IS CONSENT... you Creator is not heartless.. he gave us Satan that we put our blood beside him to ENTER EDEN to drink from the living waters and stop counting off our days... WakE UP
#ElectofSatan #WisdomOfTheAges #BytheBook #Biblical #Family #Brother #Eternal #EternalTruth #United #BloodOverIntent #HeavenOnEarth #BloodThick #BloodThickerThanWater
Nova Era, Bíblica, Profecia do Fim dos Tempos, Terra Plana, Cúpula, Satanás, Quasiluminous, Jardim do Éden, Terra do Crepúsculo, Céu na Terra, Sangue sobre Intenção, Deus, Santo, O Majestoso, As Boas Novas, 144, Ciência, Evangelho, Apocalipse, Apocalipse, Arrebatamento, Jesus Cristo, Anjo, Bíblia, Fim dos Tempos, Redenção, Salvação, Ressurreição, Julgamento, Honra, Verdade, Integridade, Últimas Notícias, Retidão, Magia Sanguínea, Conhecimento Ocultista, Sabedoria, Segredo, principais histórias, Nova Ordem Mundial, globo, negócios, mundo, saúde, nacional