Unchained Events provides ecommerce education through small specialized workshops to help individuals start or grow businesses on the Internet.
Before corporations...
-Most individuals were self-employed.
-They earned a living by providing goods and services.
-They didn't rely on a recruiter's perception of them for employment.
-They weren't limited by compensation caps.
-They didn't rise before the roosters to be at a job on time.
-They weren't at the mercy of a boss.
-They weren't forced to clammer up the corporate ladder only to hit a glass ceiling.
-And they weren't chained to desks and cubicles 40 to 60 hours per week.
Then industrialization came along and changed everything.
Now, 85% of us report to jobs we hate for pay checks that barely pay the bills for most people, and let's talk about what all this REALLY cost you...
-Time away from your family.
-Stress induced health problems and the medical bills that follow.
-Feelings of regret once you realize you WORKED away your life instead of LIVING it.
But I've got great news for you.
The landscape is shifting once again.
The digital age has opened up opportunities for individuals like you to escape the corporate plantation.
All it takes is awareness, education, and action.
Consider yourself aware. The next step is education.
Unchained Events provides ecommerce education through small specialized workshops to help individuals start or grow businesses on the Internet.
Attending one of our workshops gives you a solid foundation and sets you off in the right direction towards the path of financial autonomy.
If your unhappy working for someone else, it's time to do something about it.
Take a look at our various workshops...
Find one that interest you...
Then signup and show up ready to learn, and motivated to take action afterwards.