The conversation will start out innocently. It may be a comment about your baby, your dog, it doesn't matter. You'll think you found a new friend on the internet and loathe in good feelings with how fun it is to surf the net. All will seem find and dandy until something triggers one of these kooks. You'll rack your brain wondering how this evil person got your email address and try to figure out what you did to spark this rage. The truth of the matter is you may not have done anything wrong. Just a little over a week ago nut job number #1 in her twisted way of thinking thought it would be funny to upload a video relating a story of how I got her pregnant at 16 and that her nutty daughter was actually mine. She said in a later video it was her way of having a little fun. Get it? The boom is going to come down on both these losers. Do this! Report any unwanted communication to your local law enforcement agency. After getting a barrage of weird emails ex spouses will be contacted, neighbors, law enforcement agencies (making false accusations) neighbors, employers, YouTube and anywhere else potential trouble can be caused. REPORT their craziness to YouTube. Be diligent in vetting them in your chats: They will use as many ID's a possible to feign concern or empathy to have your contact information. Telling them you do not want any communication with them is paramount. After that if you get any communication of any kind file a police report. Both fit a textbook definition of cyber bullying and stalking. Despite telling Ollie to never contact me months ago as you can see she still sent copies of emails with Jessi. These were copied and added to an existing report.