Since my current hype for all things Frankenstein has in no way let down, here! Have a reimagined scene from the series Penny Dreadful, but with my twist on Victor and Creature (now in colour)! Hope you enjoy!
Oh, you're still reading?
Uh ... well, while you're still here, wanna hear some thoughts (aka, my rantings) about the character designs?
- Creature is based a lot more off the original book description,
( which, among other things, states him of being perfectly proportionned with flowing black hair and pearly white teeth. After all, Victor did mean for him to be beautiful. His 'hideousness' comes more from his yellowed skin, sunken complexion and watery eyes, setting him right at the deepest depth of the the Uncanny Valley graph. Seriously, a corpse is basically as Uncanny Valley Factor as you can get, even more so when said corpse can now move.
-Besides a few surgical scars, mostly on the abdomen and on the forehead, Creature has very few visible scars. I mean, if Victor was studying medecin and anatomy, he probably wouldn't be stiching bits together all willy-nilly. I feel like most of the 'assembling' would be internal - replacing faulty organs, muscle tissue, stuff like that.
-Although the book is English, the first language Creature learns is actually French, followed by German. So yeah ... I just like to imagine him speaking with a slight French accent, (* cue Squidward's 'Oh no, he's hot!' *) although Rory Kinnear lends his wonderful voice to him in Penny Dreadful.
-Creature has no name. He's just Creature. I feel like he'd be far too mellowdramatic to even want to be refered to by a real name.
-Creature could probably pull off a rockin' manbun.
-Victor isn't a mad scientist, as much as a university dropout (gotta thank OSP for summing that up so well!) Also the University of Ingolstadt, where he goes to in the book, was a real place (but was closed in 1800). Also, that would make Victor, what, in his early twenties when he discovered the secret of life? Dude is basically a child.
-Another thing taken from OSP's portrayal of Victor that got incorporated to my design, is him going prematurely grey after the fright of bringing his creation to life.
-Victor's outfit here is directly inspired by 'Wanderer above a Sea of Fog' by german painter Caspar David Friedrich.
-Victor has a bit of a baby face, and still hasn't sucessfully grown a beard. Henry Clerval probably teases him about it.
-Both Victor and Creature are reeeeal overdramatic. Between Creature quoting Milton and murdering folks, and Victor getting all existiencial and falling into angst comas, I'm not surprised that they both end up alone with no one but each other by the end of the book. Seriously boys, eat a Snickers.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Audio: Penny Dreadful
Original Characters: Mary Shelley
Character designs by me