
Provided that|Providing that| Grammatical Sentence- 164| Basic Grammar | Class- 92 |

Provided that|Providing that|
Grammatical Sentence- 164|
Basic Grammar | Class- 92 | Basic Grammar
Class- 93
This is a very important class on Basic Grammar. In this class, you will be able to use hundreds of sentences with-
Provided that
Providing that
As long as, So long as, On condition that,
And,at the same time, you will be able to know the clear difference among these conjunctions. So, by far this class is very important.

যদি খুব সহজে ইংরেজি শিখতে চান, তবে এখান থেকে ক্লাসগুলো পর্যায়ক্রমে দেখতে থাকুন,

Provided that,Privided that,The use of provuded that,The proper uses of provided that or providing that,The use of as long as,so long as,on condition that,if,Only if,The proper use of provided that,providing that,as long as,

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