
Proactive Embodiment: Staying Centered when Fielding Negative Energies

Proactive Embodiment: Staying Centered when Fielding Negative Energies Do you ever feel you need energetic protection, as in you find yourself going along, feeling pretty good, and then out of the blue you get slammed (this can even happen when you wake up in the morning)? Suddenly you are in a swirl of chaos, confusion and challenge, and it takes all of your energy just to get back to center. You may even feel like you've been attacked, like a dart of neurotoxin has pierced your system.

Which may lead you to feel you need protection, but if you close yourself off (to avoid negative energies), how do you stay completely open to the divine love and presence that you are?

This 3-minute clip talks about what I call Proactive Embodiment of our divine presence (Love). We unpack how you can be open to what you are and not be vulnerable to what you'd rather not experience. Proactive Embodiment allows us to spend more time in peace and spaciousness and less fighting with all we have just to get back to balance.

The info was super-resonant with our group - from our monthly Masterclass Livestream in Living Awake.
All are welcome!



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