
Italy: Romans react to new Conte government mandate

Italy: Romans react to new Conte government mandate Subscribe to our channel!

Rome residents reacted on Thursday after Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte received a mandate to create a new governing coalition from President Sergio Mattarella.

Some residents praised the new coalition, which sees the Five Star Movement (M5S) uniting with the Democratic Party (PD), while others criticised it and said they would have preferred fresh elections.

One resident praised the M5S-PD alliance as "a moderate brake against the drift we were having with Salvini. In my opinion in this moment it is the lesser evil, so it is a very good thing."

Another resident said the previous M5S alliance with the far-right League party was an "anomaly."

"I trust Conte, but I don't trust this government because it is a government that is not elected by the people, that is why," one resident said.

One resident called the M5S-PD alliance "spurious," while another resident said that the previous League-M5S government should not even have been formed.

"This government is all fiction, it is all a joke. No matter what the alliances are, they will always be in their favour. We Italians are terminally ill from a national cancer," one resident concluded.

Conte received a mandate to form a new government from Mattarella on Thursday.

Italy's government crisis began on August 20 when Conte resigned after Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini withdrew his League Party from the governing coalition and proposed a no-confidence vote against Conte.

Video ID: 20190829-027

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