The squat is more than an exercise; it’s a way of life. There are life lessons you learn under the bar you don’t get from other lifts. When you’re squatting heavy and you descend, you’re putting yourself in danger’s way, but you defy it every time and stand back up. This constant battle between you, gravity, and growth – never stops.
Imporant reasons to squat backed by science and reason are :
1. Develop Rock Hard Glutes
Squats build the gluteus maximus.This is the largest muscle on the human body and is responsible for a large portion of our power production. The gluteus medius and minimus are also strengthened from squatting, which aid in our lower body strength and stability.
2. Grow Stronger Hamstrings
The hamstrings are made up of three major muscles: Semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and bicep femoris. Hamstrings are involved in flexion, or bending of the leg and act as our natural breaks when walking and running. Also, the hamstrings play a large role in our jumping abilities and sprinting by propelling the body forward as we run.
3. Enhance Quad Strength
The quads are composed of four major muscles: Vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, and rectus femoris. These muscles help support leg extension and protect the knee from instability and poor patella tracking. Also, the quads play a large role in our first few steps of speed development, which squatting will strengthen and improve.
4.Better Core Strength
When you’re holding weight and moving through multiple planes of motion, the body has to work hard to remain stable and not fall over. This in return strengthens the core as whole.
5.Better Flexibility
Squats can increase flexibility in the lower body, especially in the hips. This can improve everything from your posture to your performance ability on other exercises, to your ability to move around better in daily life or while playing sports.
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