With Trump, we’ve gotten used to hellish, fast-paced news cycles keeping heads turning every which way. Lately though, the news is moving at a more traditional pace that has Trump haters looking desperately for outrage. If they want to act absurdly over non-stories, then we will treat them absurdly. Finally, Joe Walsh is not going to be president. His candidacy is just a bid to get more TV time.
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Find out what the mainstream media ISN’T telling you about the Trump administration. BlazeTV White House correspondent Jon Miller braves The Washington Hit Squad to cut through the fake news.
White House Brief,WHB,Conservative,CRTV,Conservative Review,White House Correspondent,News,Politics,Analysis,Commentary,Opinion,Journalism,Trump,MAGA,Jon Miller,BlazeTV,Blaze Media,The Blaze,jon miller,john miller,Nuke,Hurricanes,NOAA,Joe Walsh,Election 2020,