
The #1 Rule to Succeed as a Solopreneur in 2020: Your Year of Focus

The #1 Rule to Succeed as a Solopreneur in 2020: Your Year of Focus Feeling frazzled in your online business? Too much to do, and not enough time? I understand, and this video will help set you free.

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Welcome into February 2020! In this quick video I want to share with you two big ideas to help you simplify and grow your online business so let me just ask you a quick question first how did January go for you?

If you felt a little bit like you're trying to boil the ocean it's probably because you had that fire of a new year yet all this new ambition of what you wanted to do you might have tried to implement a few different strategies a few different traffic sources a few different products, you probably tried to do a lot this month, am I right leave a comment down below how January went for you if you had a lot of new goals a lot of new initiatives or if you're just, Hunkering down on what had already been working personally for me how to fantastic month earn more in January than I did in any other single month in the prior year, why did that happen well in 2020 one of my big focuses is on essentialism, which is a book that I read a really not too long ago.

I'll put a little image here if you haven't read this book I'll leave a link in the description below for you to pick it up or read it on audible or however you want to consume it but as by Greg McEwen and a really really great influential book you can learn a lot about business about life in general, especially as a parent as a busy parent with three little kids over there and trying to run two full businesses with my wife at home essentialism is a huge part of our life and I attribute a lot of my success for January as well as for the rest of the year to this book and I want to share with you why in two simple graphics

All of my opinions in this video are my own, I was not paid to make this video. Whenever there is a link in any of my videos, if there is an affiliate program available, it's safe to assume that you are clicking on an affiliate link. Please check my website for any associated bonus I may be offering, for supporting me, or ask in the comments below.

essentialism,build your online business,greg mckewen,digital marketing,wordpress,clickfunnels,sales funnels,

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