
Maintain Hair Length & Prevent Breakage | A Hair Growth Tip

Maintain Hair Length & Prevent Breakage | A Hair Growth Tip \\ Hydrating Natural Hair Tip | Natural Hair Growth Tips //

My hair has been thriving these last few months, and one thing that I give much of my thanks to for this fast hair growth is the simple practice of rehydrating my hair throughout the week.

\\ R E L A T E D V I D E O S //
Fenugreek Tea :
Refresh Curls with Fenugreek & Hibiscus :

\\ A S M E N T I O N E D //
1. Hibiscus Tea
~ steep 1/2 tsp hibiscus powder or 1 tsp hibiscus leaves in about 2 cups of water for 10 minutes
~ storage: fridge for up to 1 week.

2. Fenugreek Tea
~ see video : for information on how to make and store this tea

3. Glycerin & Water
~ mix 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of vegetable glycerin in 16 oz of water
~ Storage: ...not super sure if this is correct but I keep mine on the countertop until I run out (about 2 weeks)

4. Oil and/or butter
~ Some of my favorite oils to use: Olive oil, avocado oil, castor oil, jojoba oil

\\ W H E R E T O F I N D A Y U R V E D I C H E R B S //
I currently purchase my ayurvedic herbs from the following websites...

\\ A D D I T I O N A L N O T E S //
- Focus your hydrating hair spray and oil on the bottom half to ends of your hair, as these tend to be the driest and most damaged part of our luscious locs.

\\ On my channel, you can expect to find videos about Ayurveda for hair growth, Ayurvedic hair care, Ayurveda for hair growth, natural hair growth, how to retain length, maintain length natural hair, natural hair growth remedies, grow natural hair, hair loss home remedies, hair loss remedies, alma for hair growth, henna for hair growth, hibiscus for hair growth, fenugreek for hair growth, hair loss treatment, Hair growth secrets, Ayurveda for hair loss, grow natural hair fast, tips for hair growth, hydrating natural hair, hydrating dry natural hair, hair growth tips, grow natural hair long, holistic hair care, and holistic natural hair care //

\\ M U S I C //
Where I get my music :
Specific Song :

\\ F O L L O W M E //
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Ayurveda for hair growth,Ayurvedic hair care,natural hair growth,how to retain length,natural hair growth remedies,grow natural hair,hair loss home remedies,hair loss remedies,alma for hair growth,henna for hair growth,hibiscus for hair growth,fenugreek for hair growth,hair loss treatment,Hair growth secrets,Ayurveda for hair loss,grow natural hair fast,tips for hair growth,hair growth tips,holistic hair care,holistic natural hair care,

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