
How It Benefits You to be an Ethical Vegan

How It Benefits You to be an Ethical Vegan ✅Help my effort to educate our world through contributing to my Patreon! You also get to select my future topics, receive giveaways, have your name featured in my videos and more!

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As a vegan I often get challenged to why I morally think it’s wrong to kill animals. And it is actually a really great question because, realistically, how do we decide whether it is ethical or unethical to kill animals. And most importantly, why should we care when we have other things to worry about?

Malcolm S. Forbes, the publisher of Forbes Magazine, once said, “You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.” This is a huge factor in the formation of ethics. It is not about how you conditionally serve those you have to serve, but how you unconditionally serve those you don’t need to.

So naturally, the question that may arise is what if it weighs you down by helping those who do nothing for you, what if you want to take care of yourself before others. Now here is where it gets interesting...

The psychology of human self-fulfillment isn’t derived from happiness, because happiness is an emotion it comes and goes, it is not permanently going to fuel your self-fulfillment forever. Human self-fulfillment is actually a product of finding a purpose. Purpose is what keeps people satisfied with life because without a purpose in life, what does life mean to you? If we take a dog for example, we can give the dog food, shelter, and everything it needs to live and thrive. We have assigned a purpose to this dog and it makes you feel good because you are contributing to the fulfillment of someone else's life. You are giving life to this individual and when you observe this individual being cozy and comfortable, you may vicariously feel the same way your dog does and it will make you fulfilled in the long run. Lewis Carrol once said, “the only thing worth doing is what we do for others.”

Think about that: the only thing worth doing is what we do for others. In terms of the ethics of veganism, by choosing not to take part in the animal holocaust, we give these “others”--the cows, chickens, pigs, and other inhabitants of the planet--a chance to fulfill their life missions. To lessen the suffering of another life, is a noble purpose that we should all aspire to. And by acknowledging that we are working towards creating peace, it will psychologically reflect in our day to day lives and give us our own peace of mind.

We must stop economically supporting the holocaust operation on these animals. A vegan world is coming and one day the younger generations before your very eyes will look at you and wonder which side of history you stood on. And what will be your answer? Were you paying for the murder of hundreds of innocent lives or were you paying for peace and life?

So for those meat eaters that throw their peace signs up, the truth is if you are serious about it, the first actionable step towards world peace begins at your dinner plate.

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