
Death toll continues to rise in China as countries scramble to tackle coronavirus outbreak

Death toll continues to rise in China as countries scramble to tackle coronavirus outbreak 중국 신종코로나 확산세 더 강해져, 하루 새 확진자 3천여명 육박

Alarming new numbers coming out of China and other countries.
In China, the coronavirus has claimed a total of 3-hundred-61 lives, according to official numbers.
A renowned Chinese respiratory expert says the epidemic will reach its climax in 10 to 14 days.
Kim Jae-hee has the latest.
The death toll in China from the coronavirus has exceeded the 349 mainland fatalities seen during the SARS outbreak in 2003.
According to the latest figures from Chinese health officials on Monday,... the total number of coronavirus deaths has reached 361 in China,... and the confirmed cases stand at more than 17-thousand.
That's more than 2-thousand-8-hundred new confirmed cases and 57 new deaths in China compared to 24 hours earlier.
This is the first time the number of daily deaths surpassed 50 since Chinese health officials began officially releasing statistics.
Most of the deaths and confirmed cases in China were in Hubei Province,... where the city of Wuhan the epicenter of the outbreak is located.
At least 350 deaths and a total of over 11-thousand infections were in Hubei Province,... and more than 220 deaths were in Wuhan.
Alongside the confirmed cases, Chinese health authorities revealed that, as of Monday,... there are 21-thousand suspected cases in the country.
They also said 475 people have been discharged from the hospital after making a full recovery.
Meanwhile, a renowned Chinese expert on respiratory diseases,… Zhong Nanshan, has predicted that the outbreak will reach its peak in ten to fourteen days.
He also stressed that the simplest and most effective way of stopping it is early detection and early containment.
The virus is also spreading fast outside of mainland China.
As of Monday morning,... Hong Kong had at least 15 confirmed cases, Macau 8, and Taiwan at least 10.
With the Philippines reporting its first death from the virus on Sunday the first fatality outside of China experts warn the death toll is almost certain to continue rising.
Kim Jae-hee, Arirang News.

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