
The Darth tragedy that the phone is Wise.

The Darth tragedy that the phone is Wise. Ok so first of all, I got this idea from a YouTuber called Translator Fails; don't come at me. I also used Google Translate to get the version of this scene I did.

The Darth tragedy that the phone is Wise is a Google Translate parody of "The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise" from "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith" owned by Disney. I do not own anything in this video except the lack of creativity. I also don't know how to add a link to something so you'll have to search all of these things I mentioned here.

This is my first video, so expect me to post more, like once every two weeks. Thank you for watching (if you did) and reading this. See ya soon.


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