
The ABC's typically slippery treatment of New York's ticklish anti-Semitism problem.

The ABC's typically slippery treatment of New York's ticklish anti-Semitism problem. Firstly, notice that most of the imagery used in this piece involves Jews brandishing weapons - not the perpetrators actually responsible for the violence on New York's Orthodox Jewish community - see the link below. That's trick number one.
The only group that explicitly gets a mention in this report on the spiralling anti-Semitism in staunchly Democrat New York is white supremacists 1:44 - which unfortunately for the ABC and other media - have nothing whatsoever to do with these attacks so, of course, it's time once again to trot out the old "mentally ill" excuse 1:52 - trick number two.
Black supremacists were responsible for a recent mass shooting in a Jersey City Kosher supermarket which strangely, for a US mass shooting, ABC News didn't cover 1:56. I guess now they can say they have - well, kind of - that's trick number three.
In fact, the shocking increase in attacks on Jews across the US since 2013 coincided with the presidency of the radically anti-Israel Barack Obama - so no wonder the ABC avoided this subject like the plague - best to wait until there's a Republican in the White House in situations like these before asking difficult questions - trick number four.
Check out this link, and it'll all make perfect sense to you:
And if that doesn't clear things up, then this surprisingly honest report by The New York Times on those responsible for New York's climate of anti-Semitism definitely will.


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