
'Should I Text Him?' How To Know For Sure...

'Should I Text Him?' How To Know For Sure... For More go here:

Should I Text Him? 7 Rules For When To Wait And When To Text Him

Texting guys can be really confusing. You don’t always know what to text him. But before you even send that message – STOP – and ask yourself Should I text him?

There are definitely times in dating when you should hold back and NOT send that text, and that’s what I want to show you today: When you should and when you shouldn’t text him…

If you’re dating
If you’re “on hold”
If you haven’t met up yet…
If you’re just starting a relationship…
If you’re already in a serious relationship…
It doesn’t matter how you met him – Tinder, a party, or at the local Starbucks – you can save yourself a lot of time and effort by understanding the rules about texting and when to text.

Because you can scare a guy off with a text just as much as you could scare him away by asking him “So where is this going?” on the first date.

DID YOU KNOW: Women over the age of 60 do the most texting in the United States… (?)

There are two primary situations where you might wonder if you should text him:

- He’s texted you and you wonder if you should reply…
- You’re thinking of just texting him out of the blue …

You don’t want to come across as desperate – which I can totally understand.

I’m going to give you some text rules and tips that will help you make the best decision about sending that text. Or not!

Should I Text Him? 7 Rules To Remember

Rule 1: No Drinky, No Texty!

I have to make this one a number one rule because it’s so easy to drunk text. Heck, even if you text while just buzzed, you are likely to slip up and things could go very wrong.

If you’ve had more than ONE drink, do yourself and him a favor and put down the wine glass and turn your phone off. Don’t Text Drunk!

I mean, I hope you’re right there having that drink with him, honestly. But if you’re not and you’re just itching to text him, don’t do it. You’re coming from a place of anxiousness, and it will show in your texts.

One thing you do not want is to text him something in a moment of “lowered inhibition” that you might regret.

Ask yourself – If I was completely sober, would I send this?

The problem being, of course, if you were completely sober, you wouldn’t have this situation at all. And after a few drinks, you stop asking yourself the really good questions.

And if you do want to send that text message after your mind has cleared up, then by all means you can. Who knows, maybe you found some courage in your inebriated state – something that does need to be said later on.

But before you make that decision – BEFORE you pop open that Zinfandel – turn off your phone.

Rule 2: What’s His Orbit?

Guys fall into one of 3 orbits:

You’ve never talked or been in person with this guy…
You met him once…
You know each other at least a little bit…
Take a minute to think about what it would be like for him to get a text from you from out of the clear blue sky.

Will he know who you are right off the bat? Or will he just see your texts and phone number and get confused?
If you’ve never actually talked to him, it will be weird. And that’s not how you want to start this romance…
If you’ve at least met him once, and you know he’s got your name & number in his phone, then you’re probably okay to send a short note…
If you’ve texted him before, then it really depends on the situation. And we’ll cover that more here in this article…

Rule 3: When He Texts You First…

There are a few situations where you might get a text from him first and wonder if you should text him back:

Ask yourself if this is a guy that you are really interested in. If he’s not your type or your kind of guy – or your instincts are saying no – then just don’t send a reply text. If you text him back, you could open a can of worms. He might not take the hint, and then you’d be caught up in trying to be nice versus telling him to go away. And that’s not fun.

Ask yourself if this guy is available. Sometimes you get a text from a guy that you know is in a relationship, or might even be married. Is this something you want to be involved in? Again, your gut should be able to tell you which situations should be avoided.

Are you feeling an open sense of excitement with no reason to hold back? Well, again, be careful about how quickly you feel the urge to send him a text message. Very often that impulsiveness can make you text too quickly. You also don’t want to appear desperate to him.

Keep in mind that men are usually...

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Carlos Cavallo

Dating Advice Guru


Should I Text Him?

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