
RX Minuteman Part-1: The Cost of Freedom ~ Rex Reviews

RX Minuteman Part-1: The Cost of Freedom ~ Rex Reviews This is the first upload in a new series of quick, to-the-point lessons equipping The People of America with a higher order of understanding of what it would take to gain full-spectrum-victory, God forbid the powers of evil in this world want to kidnap or harm you or your family, simply for not bowing a knee to the King. Every free man, woman, and child must have certain basic proficiencies and and a thorough understanding of what we stand to loose if we fail.


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All the music in this video was created by TiborasaurusRex, an unsigned artist.

Song Titles: Epitaph (executed beautifully on piano by Matthew Gonzales), and Particle Jam
Music and Lyrics by: TiborasaurusRex
Instrumentation by: Matthew Gonzales and TiborasaurusRex

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