
MRbookstore : Personalized Mixed Reality Lifestyle Curation Bookstore by Redesign Single Bookstand

MRbookstore : Personalized Mixed Reality Lifestyle Curation Bookstore by Redesign Single Bookstand #Hololens #MixedTUI #AR #MR #Personalize #Bookstore #Curation

A bookstore is no longer a place only to buy and sell books.
Many bookstores on the market want to combine lifestyle
and culture these days. In this project, we survey the main
stakeholder who is involved with a bookstore and make the system
redesign bookstore that both groups should be met.
Customers want to be recommended not only for proper books
for them but also for a personalized experience in a bookstore. The
bookstore wants to keep customers in their store and make
more profit with a unique experience. We propose a mixed reality
bookstore that uses tarot cards and a Hololens to identify
the user’s taste and lifestyle and recommends the appropriate
bookshelves and bookstands. We design mixed-tangible-user interface(
Mixed-TUI) to engage the user’s active participation.
MR Bookstore is a data collection solution for offline bookstore
redesign. Through the gathered data, we can classify the main
target user’s lifestyle and enhance personalized bookstore
satisfaction. Our system act as a bridge between the old bookstore
to lifestyle curation bookstore by changing only 1 percent of
the bookstore space.

You can see more details through the below link!

Thanks :)


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