
Morbius' Weaknesses That Could Lead To His Demise

Morbius' Weaknesses That Could Lead To His Demise Morbius Is Not As Strong As You Think...
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Sony is continuing to wedge themselves into the MCU, whether we like it or not. They’re newest attempt to get in on the Multiversal action is Morbius, starring Jared Leto, a movie about a pseudo-vampire who you may remember from the 1990s Spider-Man cartoons or even the deleted scene at the end of the Blade dvd.

He’s part-vampire and part-Nobel prize winning scientist so he is most definitely not the kind of guy you’d want to run into in a dark alley, or a classroom. But the whole vampire thing has its drawbacks too and that’s what we’ll be talking about today.

From the things that will make him weaker within the movie–like his crippling thirst for blood or his debilitating internal conflict about being a vampire–to the real world drawback that might bog down the film itself, we’ll cover it all.

TheBinger,The Binger,Morbius,Vampire,Jared Leto,Suicide Squad,MCU,Marvel Cinematic Universe,Sony,Spider-Man,Tom Holland,Michael Keaton,The Vulture,marvel phase 4,spiderman,venom,carnage,morbius trailer,superhero,villain,

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