
I Wrecked A Happy Family

I Wrecked A Happy Family I Wrecked A Happy Family
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Hi, I’m Bertha and this is a story about what my sister did when she found out our dad was having an affair!!
You see, our dad cheated on our mom and left us to go live with that homewrecker. For some reason, mom coped pretty well with it. She’s a strong woman. But me and my little sister were devastated. It felt like our lives had been torn apart! Mom was obviously struggling too, but she put on a brave face for our sake and encouraged us to be civil with dad and his new woman, so that we didn’t lose him forever.
But I wanted absolutely nothing to do with my dad and that horrid woman. And my sister felt the same. Except she took it more seriously than I did, and she started to change. She went from being this sweet, respectful kid, to a kid on a mission. One day she said, “They’re both going to regret this. You mark my words.” I was shocked. My sister had idolized our dad in the past, but now all she wanted to do was hurt him, the way he’d hurt us.
During this time, I decided to enroll in college in another town across the country. I wanted to get as far away as possible from this toxic situation!
After my first year at college, I went home for the summer vacation and low and behold, you’ll never guess what was happening!! My dad and the homewrecker were engaged to be married and wanted us to be a part of their ‘special’ day! I wasn’t having any of it, but my sister was weirdly enthusiastic about it all! She kept saying we should participate because it would make dad happy before his world came crashing down...What did she mean?!
Well, before we knew it, the big day had arrived, and it was now or never...I had to grin and bear it and watch my dad officially wreck his life even more. But I’ll be honest...I was pleasantly surprised. The ceremony was actually quite nice, and so was the reception. My dad’s a successful businessman so he’d obviously dropped a lot of cash dolla’ on the day. There must have been more than 500 guests there!! He still hadn’t even come over to say hello to us, so why did he even need us there? It felt like we were just there so people wouldn’t gossip and say, “Oh, where’s his daughters?”

animation short film,story animated,life story,my story animated,animation channel,actually happened,share my story,real story,story,storytime,true stories,short stories,I Wrecked A Happy Family,

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