
Holistic Soul Hypnosis and what it is truly all about #hypnosis #hypnotherapy #hypnotist

Holistic Soul Hypnosis and what it is truly all about #hypnosis #hypnotherapy #hypnotist Holistic Soul Hypnosis has its roots in QHHT and BQH. However, holistic soul hypnosis is so much more. Visit the AHN Great Life website to find out more about holistic soul hypnosis

Reiki, crystal healing, NLP and sound healing all form part of every AHN Great Life Holistic Soul Hypnosis session.

If you prefer reading over viewing then here's a detailed blog explaining Holistic Soul Hypnosis is detail

Or you may wonder if I am the right hypnotist for you, in which case you can get to know me a little better here

HOLISTIC SOUL HYPNOSIS CAN BENEFIT YOUR LIFE in wonderful ways. The link to that blog is at the end of this article.

Hypnosis is not sleep. Hypnosis is a deep level of relaxation during which we are able to communicate directly with your subconscious mind, making it possible to establish though patterns and beliefs about life and yourself that do not serve you in positive ways.

Hypnosis is, if nothing else, a deeply relaxing experience. After a session you feel revitalized and ready to life your best live. Honestly, in today's busy world, can you really say that you won't appreciate such serene calm and peace.

I personally love being being hypnotized and did you know that as the regression hypnotist I go into trance with you. I have to. Otherwise, how will I know when you are in trance? Our souls truly take this special journey together. This is why I call my regression hypnosis session Holistic Soul Hypnosis, because it is a wonderful journey, like a super special vacation for the soul.

Hypnosis has been used by all the wisest of ancients for millennia. In facts, records of regression hypnosis dates back more than 6000 years. Here's an informative article on that

My clients sometimes have many concerns about hypnosis. This is the precise reason for this video and the several other following it: To explain that not only is regression hypnosis perfectly safe, it is also highly enjoyable and has the potential to benefit your life in incredibly beautiful ways. Here's an article on how holistic soul hypnosis can benefit your life

As a holistic wellness practitioner who loves seeing people shine, I practice a number of wellness modalities: Reiki, crystal healing, angel healing, NLP life coaching, Space clearing, regression hypnosis and intuitive psychic tarot or oracle card readings. For a broader insight into my world, visit the AHN Great Life website page now

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Watch this short clip from a client after receiving an online reading from me

Love and light, beautiful soul
Adrian H. Nelson

hypnosis,hypnotherapy,hypnotist,hypnotherapist,ahn great life,hypnosis sleep,BQH,QHHT,nlp,hypnose,

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