
Finding and Catching Bass When a Lake is Flooded

Finding and Catching Bass When a Lake is Flooded Flooding conditions can greatly impact lakes, rivers, and surrounding areas. More often than not, this new influx of water will cause a given body of water to rise significantly. On this episode, Wade is fishing on Choke Canyon Reservoir in south-central Texas. This particular lake has been low for a long period of time and recent heavy rains raised the lake level by more than 15 feet. All of this added water flooded many of the bushes and trees that had sprouted up when the lake was low. Tune in to find out how to locate fish with so many targets to cast at.

During the first half of the show, the lake is set up perfectly for pre-spawn conditions. Water temps are not quite up to 60 degrees and the bass are staging just out from the shallows as they prepare to move up. Wade quickly discovers that the fish are relating to the old bank line. The old bank line is now sitting in 10-15 feet of water, roughly 20-30 yards out form the newly flooded brush. Old shorelines like this offer an open space for fish to roam and feed. There is also a bit of grass scattered throughout as well. Fishing the SPRO Aruku Shad along these areas, Wade finds great success catching pre-spawn fish along the old bank line.

In the last half of the show, temperatures rise and bass make the push up to the shallows to spawn. The biggest obstacle here is locating exactly which types of trees and brush the bass decide to position on. Top-level pros weigh in on what they look for in these scenarios. Working a Big Bite Baits Trick Stick around the brush, Wade gets a ton of bites over the course of the afternoon.

Find out everything you need to know about fishing a flooded body of water!

Wade Middleton,Fisherman's Handbook,Bass,Fishing,How to Fish,Learn to Fish,Fishing Lures,Garmin,Ranger Boats,Bass Pro Shops,Cabela's,SPRO,Big Bite Baits,

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