
Ennui's Minecraft Hardcore Part 6 - In favor of adventure

Ennui's Minecraft Hardcore Part 6 - In favor of adventure Seems like some troubles brewing underground...

Worley's Cave Mod
Ruins/Rex's Generated Structures
Mumble (We're so special i know)

Goal Explanation: fuk you

Real Goal Explanation: The goal of the hardcore is to complete the altar, which is created various different blocks found throughout the world, including ones that require you to kill the 3 main bosses of Minecraft.

Ennui-If there's a leader type for the group, then that one would be Ennui. Well, at least he wants to be the leader of the group, but unfortunately when there's a lot of people he ends up being too quiet to really make an impact. Luckily, assuming he gets far, or is alone with someone, that's when he really shines.

R.I.P British, died episode 4.

Ralph-95% of the time, you'd label Ralph with the following traits:Calm, collected, some other word for calm, and calm. Special emphasis on the phrase "95%" of the time, as when Ralph gets pissed or panicked, he tends to become irrational and unfocused. But assuming Ralph can keep his cool, then maybe Ralph won't die episode 2? Who knows.

Tri-Often praised for being the last man standing half the time (and still dying lol), Tri tends to stay on the sidelines, only popping in when he's really needed. Sometimes it can even go as far as Tri abandoning the group for half an hour to get geared up. However, don't mistake this for Tri being bad, as when he's needed he becomes when of the most valuable assets to the team.

R.I.P Yhouse, died episode 5.

Shaymin-Packed with a cheery, yet reserved personality, Shaymin seems to be set on one thing and one thing only; that thing would be the goal itself, creating the alter and slaying the Ender Dragon. In fact, he's so focused that he kinda ends up in the same boat as Ennui, in that he doesn't get too many chances to talk. The biggest difference is that Shaymin is actually helpful, unlike Ennui.

Nambo-Acting as a better leader than Ennui will ever be (I don't know why i hate myself so much), Nambo tends to lead the group into doing what he thinks is best for the group. But like all leaders, sometimes they make mistakes and have poor judgement on what we should or shouldn't do. Regardless, Nambo is one of the more competent players, and it definitely shows.

Null-Last and maybe not least, we've got the squeaky child himself, Null. Not to be confused with Nullified from the greatest hardcore group of all time, Candyland, Null makes his place in this crew by somehow being both the most and least competent of the group. Null somehow has the magical ability to shield an enderman without taking damage, while also being scared of fighting a couple creepers. Not to discredit Null for his skill, though, as he can keep on fighting unt the day he dies, assuming he isnt too busy building pretty graves


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