
2.6 Put Off and Put On

2.6 Put Off and Put On Hi, welcome to One Step.

One Step is a Bible study for those who struggle with addiction.

This Week’s Lesson is entitled Put Off and Put On.
Habits not only need to be broken; they need to be replaced with new ones. God’s Word calls this putting off and putting on. God wants us to put off the old destructive habits and put on new productive ones.
Let’s go shopping for a new spiritual wardrobe.

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God desires correction, not punishment. As we look at the Bible we discover that any addiction is a form of idolatry that leads a person astray, entangling and imprisoning them. The only way someone can be set free from this hold is through the power of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to open the eyes of the blind, to heal the brokenhearted, and to set the captive free.

It just takes One Step to Jesus. The next steps to your recovery are easier.

AA,NA,Alcoholism,Narcotics,Alcoholics Anonymous,Narcotics Anonymous,

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