
2. The One Hundred and Forty-Four Thousand | The Shepherd’s Rod, Volume 1, Section I

2. The One Hundred and Forty-Four Thousand | The Shepherd’s Rod, Volume 1, Section I This subject of Revelation 7 is doubtless the most frequently discussed Bible subject by Seventh-day Adventists and other Bible students, than any other Biblical truth. Many theories have been advanced by the denomination, but not one has stood the test without contradiction. Great men of both Biblical and secular knowledge have diligently searched the Bible and have proved nothing as to who this company is.
Sister White had received inspiration on this subject, but, like Daniel, was not permitted to know who, how, and when made, until Gods appointed time. The following is a quotation made by her to Elder E.E. Andross: "I feel confident, Elder Andross, that the brethren in Southern California will find blessing in reviewing the teachings of Scripture concerning the 144,000 and bringing to bear upon these teachings whatever of light there may be in the published writings of the Spirit of Prophecy, and as prayerful consideration is given the matter in all its bearings, I believe that God will make the truth sufficiently clear to make possible the avoidance of needless and unprofitable questions not vital to the salvation of precious souls."
Some day this subject must be understood, for Inspiration makes no useless statements, and it cannot be in the Bible for a trinket. It must be understood before the number (144,000) is made or it would be of no value. When understood, it will guide the feet of the 144,000 in the straight path just as the first, second, and third angel's messages have led thousands of souls to Christ.
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