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#FroxEnterprise — they are #threatening me of taking legal action against me and continuously asking for money
#CromTechnology — #blackmailing with a #lawyernotice
#StnSolution — #dataentryhomebasedwork
#UsysLinkStar — #formfillingwork part time
Crystal Wave Technologies — #fraudcompany illegally involving me in business
#LinkstarDataEntry — threatening call file a case
#Crom Technology — complaint about crom technology for watching video part time job fraud blackmailing me for money payment
#AktEnterprise — captcha typing fraud
#Ormino Jobs Vapi Gujarat — online job data entry fraud
Frox Enterprises — blackmailed and collected 54000/
They took agreement to complete work with in 8 days other wise you have to pay 4330/- and i am not completed work and they called and asked first time 7550/- and said if you don’t pay money we proceed legally and blackmailed and i paid that amount again called for two times and asked 22000/- and 24000/- and i paid because they black mailed me like we proceed legally in court totally i paid 54000/- help me
#DvEnterprises — work from home form filling
#OptricaTechnology — threatening for case and money
Crystal wave technologies gave me a project for 5 days to complete 520 forms but due to my serious family problems i was only able to complete up to 220 forms. Then i tried to contact the company agent who gave the project. So that they can extend the date of the project but i didn’t get any response. Even i tried to contact the customer service but they also didn’t give any reply. And now i am getting continuous call and forcing me to pay the penalty.
"project cancel amt.- rs 4560/-
" case cancel amt.- rs 7999/-
I am unable to pay the amount due to my family's poor financial condition.
Please solve my problem immediately
Link Star — I am complaining about a #fraud company which is #demanding for money.
D V Enterprise — file case
#WinsolTechnologies — blackmailing and asking money
#Onlineworksjob — #fake #agreement and #threatening
D V Enterprise, Vapi, Gujarat — they are threatening me to pay amount, else they will file case against me.