
Ormus (Monatomic Gold) Quantum Jumping Sorcery Tool - A Lengthy Background Discussion

Ormus (Monatomic Gold) Quantum Jumping Sorcery Tool - A Lengthy Background Discussion Ormus:


In short, monatomic gold is gold ash, what's left after being "burnt."

In more detail, Ormus in the burnt state loses it's metallic state and becomes an anti-gold mineral and becomes a single atomic substance-solution. Forest green to a white precipitate white powder after mega evaporation. Google David Hudson on refining.

Though there are slight differences between Ormus and Monatomic Gold, they are so small, they can be ignored. Fact is that they are NOT identical.

#advancedQuantumjumping #ormus #philosophersStone
#secretsOFlongevity #monatomicGold

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