But often times these attacks don't occurs hours after you have settle at your homebase. That's because perpetrators in your local area have setup and modified their equipment to initiate the attacks on you. So nothing is in a vaccum.
All these events are very well engineered from where you go shopping, public transportation or certain perpetrators placed along the route you walk through. The worse part is when you go to sleep and find that you can sleep because of all the attacks. And since you have been attack by several individuals during your time in public, the attacks becomes more specific.
That is why TIs become shut ins or they are constantly on the road, because they have been down that road where they aren't able to sleep. And they live in isolation, because you simply can't trust anyone including family and friends.
Anyway, if you see this individual he is involved in criminal activity. He is a paid informant of the criminal enterprise that plague the lives of Targeting Individual.
He might target me today and the next day or hour he receives another contract to target someone else. That's why I'm hear exposing this individual.
He is not someone you want in your neighborhood. So if we expose these individuals it is very difficult for them to establish this program for new individuals.
With that said, you can visit my website for more detail information about my work at: I wish you peace, love and happiness, because the world needs a lot of it. Happy Holidays!