My goal is to use this project to unite the #conspiracy #truthers #political #occult #research community.
We can advertise a poll to determine who should be on the cards and that will help us learn how to run our own demographic studies of our community.
We could even learn how to #crowdfund and #co-create this project so that we each earn a share of the proceeds based on our #investment.
Also, we can give a portion of the proceeds to the people on the cards.
We would learn how to show that we can transfer funds to support a cause and it gets to where it should go instead of how the Clinton's stole that money from the Haitians by running the hurricane relief effort.
I also share media I'm checking out including #TheOnion, #BingeorPurge, #TheBoys and more.
Visit me at and @chadwarren76 - Twitter.
Hope you're well. 🙂