On Pocketnow Daily, we have some Amazon deals on headphones and smartwatches. ZTE just posted some images of their upcoming phone with the Snapdragon 865. Samsung is planning to make a whopping 144 MP camera sensor in 2020. We have some new renders of the Huawei P40 and P40 Pro. Richard Yu just confirmed that the company will be updating the Mate X in early 2020. Finally, we have our first real look at Samsung's clamshell foldable.
All this and more after the break.
00:29 - Today's Deals: - Bose QuietComfort II
- Jabra Elite 65T
- AirPods with wireless charging case
- Airpods without wireless charging case
- Samsung Galaxy Watch
News: 01:10 - ZTE Axon 10s Pro 5G will feature the Snapdragon 865
01:45 - Samsung working on 144MP image sensor
02:20 - This Huawei P40 series looks just like the Galaxy S11
02:50 - A new Huawei Mate X with Kirin 990 may show up at MWC 2020
03:26 - We have the first live images of the Samsung Galaxy fold 2
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Samsung,Galaxy Fold,Galaxy Fold 2,Galaxy Fold 2 leaked,Galaxy Fold 2 leaks,Galaxy Fold clamshell,Huawei,Huawei Mate X 2,Huawei Mate XS,Huawei Mate X launch date,Mate X update,P40,P40 Pro leaks,P40 Pro launch date,P40 Pro renders,Samsung 144MP camera sensor,Samsung 108MP sensor,ZTE Axon 10s Pro,Axon 10s Pro 5G,Qualcomm Snapdragon 865,Apple deals,AirPods deals,Bose deals,Jabra deals,Pockentow,Tech News,Jaime Rivera,