
04-12-2019 | Pensamento do Dia | Thought of the Day | Pensamiento del Día | Trigueirinho

04-12-2019 | Pensamento do Dia | Thought of the Day | Pensamiento del Día | Trigueirinho "Os que responderem conhecerão da noite os mistérios e do alvorecer a sabedoria; e penetrarão os segredos do cosmos."

"The ones who answer will know from the night the mysteries and from the dawn the wisdom; they will penetrate the secrets of the cosmos."

"Los que respondan sabrán los misterios de la noche y de la aurora la sabiduría; y penetrarán en los secretos del cosmos."


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- Envie a palavra CADASTRAR por Whatsapp (+55 (35) 99908-4854 ) e receba diariamente os "Pensamentos do Dia".

- Send the word REGISTRATION by Whatsapp (+55 (35) 99908-4854) and receive the "Thoughts of the Day".

- Envíe la palabra REGISTRAR por Whatsapp (+55 (35) 99908-4854) y reciba los "Pensamientos del Día".

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