
The Waack Off | moment(urb)an Round 2 - Task|Object | Molari (Greece)

The Waack Off | moment(urb)an Round 2 - Task|Object | Molari (Greece) The Waack Off | moment(urb)an Round 2 - Task/Object | Molari (Greece)




**moment(urb)an: Waacking Edition with DJ CRASH (DE)

As a member of nutrospektif, a theater collective from Germany, we try to bring urban dance on theater stage, by using different concept Events. One of these Events is called "moment(urb)an".
The idea to experiment with different tasks and create a very special and unique moment of telling a story and dealing with the tasks. Also, every Round has another Focus.
To make it easy to understand, here is the concept for this Waacking Edition:

There are 16 dancers selected through preliminaries.

After the First Round, the Judges have to choose 8 Dancers for the 2. and 3. Rounds.
In the End the Judges will choose the dancer who dealed the best with all the 3 Rounds.

1. Round: Music
Each Dancer gets a Soloperformance of 60 sek. with the challenge of different music genres. Its can be everything.

2.Round: Master the Object/ Task
Each Dancer gets a Object Or a Task to work within 90 sek of a Soloperformance. Music can be everything.

3. Round: Connection
The Dancers get to choose a partner and have a 2 min performance together without preparation.
Music can be everything.

The Waack Off Festival is the First German Waacking Event/Festival organized by Yeliz Mānuka, with the help of the Mānuka Waacking Flowers, a Germany based Waacking Crew.
With the support of tanzhaus nrw, The Festival was held in their Foyer and the Workshops in their amazing Studios.

The Waack Off:

Mānuka - Waacking Flowers:

Yeliz Pazar:

tanzhaus nrw:


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