
Occurrence at Mills Creek - Teaser

Occurrence at Mills Creek - Teaser

A young woman is haunted by the same strange occurrences that have plagued her prominent small-town family for generations.

Cassandra awakens to a nightmare as her pleas to be seen and heard by her sister Clara are taken as supernatural occurrences.
Occurrence at Mills Creek is a psychological horror film that examines the dynamics of strong female characters against a supernatural backdrop through failing reality.

From award-winning and internationally screened and reviewed filmmaker Don Swanson comes a new horror film that defies conventions - Occurrence at Mills Creek is currently in production! Featuring Betsy Lynn George of Billy Idol's Cradle of Love music video, the cast also includes Lynda Marnoni of George Romero's Season of the Witch and The Crazies, Mia Zanotti from NBC's The Voice, and the Langshaw Twins from Furious 7. Our cast also includes Alexa Mechling, Joe Fishel, and JP Edwards from the award-winning feature A Wish for Giants, Ivana Kingston from The Scarehouse, John-Patrick Driscoll who appeared in CBS's S.W.A.T., and the talented Mary Sack who recently won an award for her work on the short film, Cycle. The film also introduces Betsy's daughter, Ava Psoras, as Clara. These skilled performers are joined by an ever expanding cast to round out this gifted troupe along with a talented crew that is bringing this terrifying tale to life!

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