
How I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea at VA

How I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea at VA ✔️Join VA Claims Insider Elite, get instant access to the ELITE Experience Portal (EEP) and $7,500 worth of proprietary VA claim resources TODAY, and obtain a VA DBQ and Medical Nexus Letters:

I asked for a sleep study because I have insomnia. I had to pass or fail the stop bang screening tool and then I was referred onto a sleep study at my VA. I went through the sleep study and I didn’t sleep well and I ended up with only about 4 hours' worth of sleep which was barely enough to get data but I the VA Sleep Center was able to gather enough data to diagnose me with Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

I went back to the VA sleep center a few weeks later and I was given my CPAP machine. I started to use it when I got home and that was a completely different kind of nightmare. About a month after that, a doctor from the VA Sleep Center talked to me and said that my problems were mainly with Insomnia and that I should probably just go through the CBT-I course vs struggling with the CPAP machine. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia is designed to help veterans deal with their sleep issues by giving them tools to get better sleep and to develop better sleeping habits.

I am currently in the CBT-I program and I am using an app called HeadSpace which is helping me sleep. I will give you guys an update in a few weeks and tell you what is going on and what has changed. I have a feeling that I am going to learn how to deal with insomnia and then transition back into using the CPAP machine but it is a little too early to tell exactly how things will turn out at this point.

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VA Claims Sleep Apnea,va claims insider sleep apnea,secondary va claims for sleep apnea,VA claims Obstructive Sleep Apnea,Veterans Benefits for Sleep Apnea,stop bang screening test,

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