Document classified Top Secret since 50 years… until now.
« Moon Shining » ou : Comment Stanley Kubrick a tourné la Mission Apollo 11 ?
Making of du tournage de la Mission Apollo 11 réalisé par Stanley Kubrick en 1969.
Document classé Top secret depuis plus de 50 ans… jusqu’à aujourd’hui.
Cast :
- Wernher von Braun, Stanley Kubrick, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, James Webb, Fred Ordway, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Matthew Johnson, Owen Williams, Arthur C. Clarke, Richard Nixon, Michael Collins…
« Operation Avalanche », « Moonwalkers », « Capricorn One », « 2001: A Space Odyssey », « First Man », « Diamonds are Forever », « Frenzy ».
- Behind the scenes of « 2001: A Space Odyssey ».
- Behind the scenes of « First Man ».
- Wernher Von Braun tells the story of Apollo 11.
- Wernher Von Braun, his story told.
- Wernher Von Braun explains the possibility to reach the Moon.
- Apollo 4 Wernher Von Braun explains how the preparations are going for the first launch.
- Apollo 11 the first landing on the moon.
- Revisiting The Moon Landing.
- First Man on the Moon, The Real Neil.
- Was the Moon Landing faked, Mythbusters.
- A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon.
- The Journeys of Apollo 11, The Conquest of the Moon, NASA documentary (2009).
- Stanley Kubrick Moon Landing Conspiracy.
- President Nixon speaking with astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin on the Moon.
- Astronauts Welcomed by Nixon 1969.
Edited and Directed by Fabrice Mathieu