For a man, it only needs an accusation. Life ruined. For Ms. Katie, with proof, evidence, and even admitting to what she did...she deserves a pass...because she's a wammen.
You guys have to understand, and the sooner the better, this 'patriarchy' has been set up to remove all accountability and responsibility from women and placing that upon men. No matter what they do, it's OUR fault, somehow we caused it, and we should pay.
For a matter what she does...she's a victim and should be given a pass.
How the fuck again did we get here?
Katie Hill Resigns
Before the nasty bits, the really nasty bits were released...imagine something in 30 frames per I have to say more...
Of all things, they project the men being ruined for a whisper onto the wammens...It's disgusting.
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