
I get this question a lot🤔Why would I give up my independence & join a team❓

I get this question a lot🤔Why would I give up my independence & join a team❓ I get asked this question a lot…🤔

Why would I give up my independence and join a team❓

Now, if you’re skeptical about teams I’m going start this by saying this isn’t me talking about our team…❌

I’m not going to feature dump on your and tell you how great we are…😆

I’m just going to speak generally…🗣

You might be that lone wolf agent that’s absolutely better on your own than in a group🐺

and if you got inside an team organization maybe it wouldn’t be the right fit…🧩

but my belief is that for the majority of agents there is more to be gained from joining a team than there is being given up…🤝

So what are you gaining by joining a team?🧐

1️⃣FIRST, a lot of teams are LEAD GENERATORS which means that you’re not out there trying to bring the business in for yourself by door knocking, cold calling, running online ads whatever…

lead generation is being managed by the team and that business is being distributed out for the team members to work👩‍💻👨‍💻

That’s very valuable because that’s a big chunk of time you’re getting back not to mention the cost…⏰💰

Teams are getting larger and larger…

generating more revenues that get dumped into marketing and lead generation and those figures get harder and harder for an individual agent to compete with…

2️⃣SECOND, structure and accountability are majorly important in the real estate business

If you don’t have a strong discipline towards TIME MANAGEMENT, GOAL SETTING and IMPLEMENTATION and BUSINESS PLANNING then you may need the structure and accountability that a team provides…

Let’s be honest with ourselves😬

left to our devices we can all a get a little lazy, a little unfocused and procrastinate on things🤷‍♂️

3️⃣How about COACHING and SUPPORT?

If you’re joining a team I would hope for you that it’s a team with a leadership group that has a lot of experience…

has operated in the real estate business at a high level…

and is consistently working with you, coaching you, so that your can improve your business…

that’s what team leadership should look like

I think a BIG mistake that people make is starting a team when they're not really in a position to provide opportunity or support for the people they're bringing on…🙅‍♂️

bringing agents into a team means you become RESPONSIBLE for them…

we CAN’T make a person successful

but if you're not doing everything you can to create an environment where people can achieve success…

then you're not taking that RESPONSIBILITY seriously.

4️⃣In terms of SUPPORT, a lot of real estate offices provide great back end support💪

the RE/MAX office I operate out of is one of them🙌

and teams leverage that support and take it to another level…

Things like transaction co-ordination

you handing listing paperwork in and not having to worry about ordering signs up, booking video & photography, staging, getting feature magazines, preparing ads and also, not having to worry about the cost involved…❌💰

5️⃣Another big one, for me, is community…

Real estate can be a lonely business😕

A team brings together a group of like-minded individuals and directs their focus and energy towards common goal…

Everyone wants everyone else on the team to be successful…🔥

everyone helps…🙋‍♀️

we leverage the combined experience of everyone which create a huge pool of knowledge that we can all pull from…💥

A team helps a team do more deals➕

create more income…💰

a bigger presence the community at large…🤝

which allows all team members to leverage off of the success of the team🙌

There are plenty more benefits to a team that I’m not really going to dive into in this video like presentation materials, database co-ordination, systemization and others….

but if you’d like to learn more I’m happy to chat…

if you have questions please feel free to leave them in the comments or send us a message. I hope you found this video valuable and if there’s anything that we can do to help you sell more real estate let us know…

Have an awesome day!🤝💪💥


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