
Are we five days from a no deal Brexit?!

Are we five days from a no deal Brexit?! With five days to go to Brexit Day, MPs are all at home waiting to see what the European Union will do about it.


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Here we are with five days to go to the most important date in the nation's recent history, when we do not know if we'll be leaving on a no deal Brexit basis this coming Thursday, or with a deal shortly thereafter, or with another long and pointless Article 50 extension.

The whole exporting business community must now be getting a bit concerned - not because it might be no deal, but because they've got no certainty one way or another.

And that's all because the Remainer MPs forced into place that stupid Benn Surrender Act that gives the decision to Brussels.

So, Brussels via the EU Council has to make a decision, but the EU27 is also looking for certainty before it makes that decision - a certainty that our government can't give them because the majority of MPs in parliament won't do anything until the EU tells them what to do.

At the moment the latest is that the EU27 Council has decided they need to tell us how long our extension will be, but they can't decide how long that extension period should be.

And without a decision by parliament on whether they want an election or not or to really and quickly get the latest Withdrawal Agreement treaty through, then what is Brussels meant to do?

At the moment it seems that the Labour Party and opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn is insisting that the no deal Brexit scenario is removed from the table before he'll back a general election.

And as it takes 434 MPs out of the 650 to actually vote for a general election, then the PM does need Labour's votes.

But the deal or no deal choice is not in the hands of either Boris Johnson or his government.

And everyone knows that any extension given to this parliament will not be used by MPs to get a deal through, no it will be used by the majority Remainer MPs to frenziedly work out how they can get another extension. Be in no doubt, you'll see them brazenly bussing off to Brussels once again to talk to Michelle Barnier, Ursula von der Leyen and their ilk to find out what they need to do, to get yet another Brexit extension.

Brussels needs a good and proper reason to offer an extension and continuing the internal House of Commons squabble may well not be a good enough reason any more.

So, this talk about the EU delaying a decision until Monday or even Tuesday next week may be the application of maximum pressure by Brussels on Parliament, to either firmly agree the deal, or to at least vote for a general election in the upcoming vote on Monday.

But I think that there are more than sufficient MPs who are less than happy to face the electorate to ensure that any House of Commons vote for a General Election fails.

And we know why, don't we? They want to maintain the Remain majority in the Commons so as to work on reversing Brexit.

But by Monday there will only be 3 days to Brexit Day.

So where are the cries from Remainers that a national emergency is upon us then?

They must be absolutely sure in their own minds that Brussels will not let them down and will soon ride to the rescue with a juicily long Brexit extension.

But maybe not.

So, if parliament votes against a general election on Monday and the EU Council ends up delaying their decision until Tuesday it means that Parliament has opted for no change and forced the decision on Brussels.

All that the UK and EU then both face is just more destructive dither and delay.

Unless, of course, the PM takes charge in some way. Possibly by invoking the Civil Contingencies Act on Monday evening, suspending the Benn Surrender Act and withdrawing the Article 50 extension request letter and declaring we are leaving on Hallowe'en.

I would like to think though, that some high level and classified diplomacy has been taking place between the UK and France to broker a deal for France to help us sever our connection with the EU.

Something or someone somewhere will have to give before Thursday.





News,Politics,Brexit,Political News,Brexit News,Brexit Latest,European Union,United Kingdom,EU,UK,UK Government,brexit negotiations,UK Parliament,UK Politics,UK Political News,European Union News,Brexiteers,jeff taylor latest,jeff taylor,Jeff Taylor Brexit,no deal Brexit,boris johnson,emmanuel macron,president of france,france,eu27,eucouncil,general election,conservative party,labour party,Jeremy Corbyn,

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