
Nitrox: 5 Situations For Every Scuba Diver To Use EANx

Nitrox: 5 Situations For Every Scuba Diver To Use EANx Nitrox. Every Scuba Diver's best friend? We're dispelling 4 common myths about Nitrox, and explaining what Nitrox is and why Nitrox is for every diver.

Nitrox, or EANx (Enriched Air Nitrox) is a widely mis-understood breathing gas. We wanted to demystify the 'whats' and the 'whys' of scuba diving Nitrox as well as to explain 5 situations in which Nitrox is best used. We're even taking you through a Nitrox dive planning exercise to show you how Nitrox extends your No-Decompression Limit (NDL.)

What is Nitrox? What depths do divers use NItrox? Who should use Nitrox? When should you do a Nitrox Specialty Course? We're an swering all the common questions associated with Nitrox diving.

Thanks for watching, Team!


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***Disclaimer: Divers Ready! firmly believes you can not teach someone to dive through the internet. We strongly urge people to ensure they receive dive instruction through an internationally recognized training agency and to dive safely and within the limits of their certification level at all times. Our channel is aimed at already-certified divers looking to further their skills.***


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