

NEITHER DO I CONDEMN YOU, IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT You might be condemning yourself for issues or problems that are not your fault. You internalize them as or into your true spiritual condition which may not be the case. Your sin is ever before you which you beat yourself up over through a guilty conscience and complex. God is gone from us and displeased we think, not to return unless we clean up our own act to prove to Him we are again worthy in His sight. The unmerciful, loveless voices of the self-righteous coupled with the spiritual forces of evil all chime in to highlight and reinforce what you feel is true but unfortunately inaccurate. And that's not your fault either as I explain. JESUS NEVER CONDEMNED US *BEFORE* WE WERE SAVED AND HAS NOT CONDEMNED US *SINCE* THEN *EITHER*-- ESPECIALLY MORE SO NOW THAT WE BELONG TO *HIM*. So hopefully this will encourage the down-hearted to anchor His grace within your souls and realize that the reasons for things (issues) with us may not even be spiritually based at the root as we may think. Neither is this a refutation of our own sinfulness in mere excuse as the blame-gamers would claim.

We can also experience a mimicking "pseudo-guilt" once saved by grace which we feel powerless to overcome. Or for those who willfully choose to reject being saved by grace alone, it is mainly or entirely due to an obstinance to cling to their own self-righteousness and goodness which enslaves them to fear and guilt and constant self-loathing about the current condition and ultimate state of their soul.

Guilt is a complex emotion that is experienced when someone does something wrong or when someone even thinks they did something wrong. In fact, many cases of a guilt complex involve an individual experiencing guilt under the completely false mindset that they caused harm or did something wrong. (

A guilt complex is defined as an obsessive disorder in which you feel that you’ve done wrong and that you always do wrong. It’s considered a negative, internal emotion that you experience when you think that you’ve done something you shouldn’t have. (

On the other hand, true, godly "sorrow" is really God's kindness and mercy and forgiveness and compassion bearing in upon the soul to recognize this fact, not through condemnation. Though other stern and scourging actions may be taken by Him, it's ultimately for our benefit and He has not abandoned us or left us to our own devices or ways. Paul states,

(8) For though I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it; though I did regret it—for I see that that letter caused you sorrow, though only for a while — (9) I now rejoice, not that you were made sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance [a change of heart or mind, acceptance]; for you were made sorrowful according to the will of God, so that you might not suffer loss in anything through us. (10) For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a [healthy, constructive, beneficial] repentance [change, resolution] without [perpetual, lingering] regret, leading to salvation, but the sorrow of the world produces death [an unhealthy, fruitless and injurious result not through or by His Holy Spirit]." (2 Corinthians 7:8-10) [wording in brackets [ ] and UPPER CASE are mine]

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Jesus forgiveness,self-condemnation,guilt,self-blame,guilt complex,God's grace,

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