
Flu-like pandemic can 'spread in just 36 hours and kill 80million', experts warn

Flu-like pandemic can 'spread in just 36 hours and kill 80million', experts warn A flu-like illness could spread around the world in just 36 hours and kill 80million people, global health experts have warned.  The grim emergency is highlighted in a new report which says the world is facing a mounting threat of disease pandemics that could wipe out millions and wreak havoc on economies.  The report cited the 1918 "Spanish flu" pandemic, which killed an estimated 50million people.  If a similar outbreak happened now the death toll would be even worse and the disease would spread much faster given the vast numbers of people crossing the world on planes every day, the experts warned.    An equivalent air-borne outbreak now could spread globally in less than 36 hours and kill an estimated 50million to 80million people.  Such a pandemic would wipe out nearly five per cent of the global economy and destabilise security in the affected countries, according to the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB).  In the case of a pandemic, many national health systems - particularly in poor countries - would collapse.  The report contained a world map showing examples of emerging and re-emerging diseases which could trigger an outbreak - from human monkeypox and H1N1 influenza to Ebola and plague.    Governments should work to prepare for and mitigate that risk, said the GPMB, co-convened by the World Bank and the World Health Organisation (WHO).  It warned that epidemic-prone viral diseases like Ebola, flu and SARS are increasingly tough to manage in a world dominated by lengthy conflicts, fragile states and forced migration.  The report, named A World At Risk, stated: "The threat of a pandemic spreading around the globe is a real one.  "A quick-moving pathogen has the potential to kill tens of millions of people, disrupt economies and destabilise national security."  Efforts to prepare for outbreaks following crises such as Ebola in West Africa between 2014 and 2016 are "grossly insufficient", the report added.  Gro Harlem Brundtland, a former Norwegian prime minister and WHO head who co-chaired the board, added that current approaches to disease and health emergencies are "characterised by a cycle of panic and neglect."  The group said many of its past recommendations have been ignored or poorly implemented by world leaders.  The world's poor suffer the most, it said.  Axel van Trotsenburg, acting chief executive of the World Bank and a member of the panel, said: "Poverty and fragility exacerbate outbreaks of infectious disease and help create the conditions for pandemics to take hold."  Calling on governments to "heed the lessons these outbreaks are teaching us" and to "fix the roof before the rain comes", Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO, said they should invest in strengthening health systems, boost funds for research into new technologies, improve coordination and rapid communication systems, and monitor progress continually.  The WHO also warned earlier this year that another pandemic of flu - whic

Health,World Health Organization,

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