
[5 Minutes] e-Newsletter Design Best Practise | Email Marketing Design Best Practise

[5 Minutes] e-Newsletter Design Best Practise | Email Marketing Design Best Practise This video will take 5 minutes to share with you the 4 best practices of email marketing:

FIRST is NEVER SEND a NEWSLETTER as a SINGLE PICTURE FILE. Many people start to do the newsletter design in graphical tools and send the newsletter as a single picture (such as JPG / GIF). You are not advised to do so because if you send the newsletter using a single picture. Your customer will take a longer time to download the picture and there is a high chance that this type of newsletter will go into the spam mail. A good newsletter should have a combination of Graphic and Selectable-Text. Let me show you what is the Selectable-Text in this video.

SECOND is to MAKE YOUR NEWSLETTER RENDER WELL FOR DIFFERENT SCREEN SIZES. A standard newsletter design usually is at the sizes between 600px - 900px. Many big corporations also designed their newsletter based on this formula. When we design the newsletter in this size, we can make sure that the newsletter is responsive, and can fit nicely in the widescreen laptop, tablet and mobile screen.

THIRD is to OPTIMISE THE PICTURE. When the newsletter is designed in the sizes between 600px- 800px, meaning that we should attach the picture at these sizes or within these sizes. It is not suitable if we upload a larger size picture with 2000px or 3000px. Larger size picture will reduce the user readability experience and take longer time to download the newsletter picture.

FOURTH is to have your OWN-BRAND NEWSLETTER and use it repetitively. The newsletter design could be a complicated process but I will share with you my secret to designing a newsletter in his video. Do you ever receive a newsletter from other big corporations? You will realize that most of them have a standard newsletter layout and this standard layout is usually use repetitively in their monthly newsletter. Let me show you some of the examples in this video.

So, let me put a summary of the best email practices:

1. Never send a newsletter as a single picture file. A good newsletter should have a combination of graphic + selectable text, and you can add some hyperlink to link to a website or like to facebook. This will increase the open rate.

2. Make it compatible with different screen sizes. When your newsletter has a friendly design then the click-through rate will be higher.

3. Optimise the picture in the newsletter. Choose the right picture size and optimize it before a newsletter is sending to the customer. A well optimised picture will reduce the user downloading time and increase the readability.

4. Don’t crack your head to worry about the newsletter design. You just need to have one perfect template and use it throughout the year!

#emailMarketingDesign #eNewsletterDesign

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