187 The Message of the hour is a sign to the churches. It’s a sign to the people. Don’t…are you, are you catching it? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] I hope, on the tape, that they’re doing the same thing, see, and other parts of the world. See, the hour sign is here. There is a Token that’s got to be applied, and no other time could It have come.
188 Notice God’s preparation for that time. Now, as we know that the Bible said, “All those things happened for examples, you see, to us.” Notice, when God got ready to judge Egypt, first He made a preparation. What did He do at the first time? He never changes His order.
189 The first time, when He got, when He made His preparation, He sent a prophet with a message. First thing He done to His people was sent a prophet with a message.
190 The next thing He done, to identify this prophet, He sent a Pillar of Fire for identification, to identify it.
191 And the third thing He sent was the token. That’s exactly right. The token, what was the token mean? Assurance!
192 First, His prophet with the message; He identified Himself among the…with a—with a Pillar of Fire with His prophet; then He sent a token, to get under this blood, that He had accepted this substitute death in your place. Then, the blood was a token that He looked, that you had heard the message, believed on the Pillar of Fire, and had accepted the substitutionary that He had provided for you, and you were under the blood of the very chemistry of the life that went out for you. My! What a perfect, what a perfect thing that is, see, you are under the blood.
193 Now you’re under the Spirit, under the Holy Spirit. See? See? You believe the Message of the day, see, you believe the—the—the—the—the power, the—the—the Pillar of Fire. You believe that, see, and you do.
194 Now, now look, just to believe It is not enough. Not to—to… To walk around where It’s at, isn’t enough. See, that’s to make yourself worse, “For he that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it’s sin.” See, those borderline believers, Jesus spoke of the same thing.
195 Hebrews, the 6th chapter, “For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted of the good Word of God, and the world to come, if they shall fall away, to renew themselves again to repentance; seeing that they crucify to themselves the Son of God; and count the covenant of the Blood, wherewith they were sanctified with…” The chemistry there sanctifies. It ain’t the Token. The Blood is not the Token now. The Life is the Token.
63-0901m - "Token"
Rev. William Marrion Branham