
Hip Thrust Variations

Hip Thrust Variations Hip Thrust Variations! (Grow Your Glutes)
๐Ÿค” Before we talk about the thrust variations, I often hear the question “are hip thrusts beneficial for sports?”
๐Ÿƒ We should train an athlete according to the sport-specific vectors of movement patterns they will be going through during their sporting activity. Horizontal power and acceleration through hip extension are important for many sprinting athletes that need horizontal displacement, particularly low driving acceleration sports. A recent systematic review demonstrates that sprint speed can increase by utilizing a barbell hip thrust.
๐Ÿ‘ Hip Thrust Variations:
▪️Double Leg Hip Thrust With Resistance Band: ​Adding a resistance band is a great way to improve gluteal activation. Remember the glutes are a tri-planar muscle group. The thrust focuses on hip extension, these muscles will also assist with hip abduction and external rotation. Placing the band just above the knees will help facilitate activation of the glute’s in all three planes during the hip thrust!
▪️Staggered Stance Hip Thrust: ​Using a split stance, b-stance, or staggered stance hip thrust is a great way to easily bias one leg. The leg that is in more knee flexion or the heel that is closer to your butt will be the leg conducting a majority of the work during the movement. I often like this variation when I feel like someone is compensating or dominating the movement with one side. I will push out the foot on the leg that is performing a majority of the work to teach someone how to use the side in which they have been neglecting. Avoiding loading a side can be completely unintentional and is often seen in the clinic after musculoskeletal injuries or surgeries.
▪️Double Leg Hip Thrust With Single Leg Descend: ​I love this variation of the hip thrust as I progress a client or patient from double-leg into single-leg hip thrusts. With Gluteal tendinopathies, I will load eccentrically which is when a variation like this may be appropriate. The key here is to make sure you lower yourself very slow and controlled.
▪️Single Leg Hip Thrust
▪️Single Leg Hip Thrust With Resistance Band
(My favorite variations!)

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