
God and Country Oathkeepers -- Detective Dan Devlin Show: Honorable People Honorable Nation

God and Country Oathkeepers -- Detective Dan Devlin Show: Honorable People Honorable Nation The greatest deception in life is to take on a title which gives the impression you are a person of honor, who can be trusted, when you are truly the opposite. To indicate you are a person of honor committed to doing something like honoring your oath when, in reality, you refuse to honor your oath is not only deceiving others but may even be deceiving yourself.
While our duty to our country is important, our duty to God is even greater. Can a person be trusted who does as his country officials say to do even when it violates God's commands? When a person fails to honor his oath, doesn't he join all other oath breakers? If we don't expect and require people to honor an oath they take, why bother to have them?
The Constitution of the United States names our posterity as equal beneficiaries with those of the group named "ourselves", to possess the same blessings of liberty, yet thousands of those who have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, including Senators, Members of the House of Representatives, Justices of the Supreme Court and lower courts, all law enforcement officers and officials at nearly all government levels, and many from organizations who call themselves keepers of their oath refuse to acknowledge the truth of the Constitution that they claim to defend. That truth is that our posterity, at minimum, includes our yet to be born descendants in the womb, and WE are allowing our posterity (who are all your descendants till the end of time, which, at minimum, includes those in the womb) to be tortured and killed in the womb (and sometimes beyond), through the procedure known as abortion. No person claiming to be an oath keeper can justly, and honorably, make that claim if they do not act and speak the truth and acknowledge that the Constitution names our posterity, who are our yet to be born descendants in the womb, as co-beneficiaries, and demand that our posterity be afforded the same rights, benefits, and protections of the Constitution and nation to the same degree and extent as members of the other constitutionally named group of beneficiaries and heirs named "ourselves".
This is why it has become necessary to form The Church of God and Country Oath Keepers, so those who WILL honor their duty to God, first; and then their oath to defend the Constitution of the United States will have an honorable place to call home, with leadership who will not hide from our duty to God, and our duty to defend the Constitution or our posterity. We are all capable of making wrong decisions, but we should always strive to see and acknowledge the truth, and if it calls for us to change our ways, then do so as quickly as possible, to become the honorable person we should be striving to be.

our posterity,Constitution,as thyself,law,future,honorable nation,killing,injustice,abortion,infanticide,rights,duty,oath of office,

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