
Twillight zone for TI in Sweden.

Twillight zone for TI in Sweden. I am not sharing my videos chronologically since I am a bit embarreds of them. I even have a degree in filmmaking, Tv production an media. But since m tech is under attack I cant use my videocamera, my camera or use any editingprogams for the time being. Still my videos are mostly testimonies, but I hope to be able to find a nish eventually and to make videos with mixed content eventually. I do need to reach the point were I realise what i need to di into. Time will show what my main topic will be. I did hesitate to share my first experimental videos but decided to go for it. I hope it will make me feel less isolated. I can relate to so many of you out there and I get the urged to join the discussion, not only stay as a passiv listener. I am one of those people who just woke up to the way things actually are playing out in the World. It all started with what they call gangstalking or Targeted Indidual. Alot of people are waking up in the World and more and more people are coming to terms with the fact that many of the so called Conspiracy theories actually are telling the truth. And more so I cam to see that everythi are playing out in plain sight. To a population that are groomed into the agenda or simple born numb stright into it. It is important that the people with Eyes wide awake to tell what they see. To shout out to those wandering around, still with their Eyes wide shot.' And just to ad, for the time being even my camera on this computer has stopped working since I posted my last video, so this one, made before the previous I post now since I can´t make any new videos for the time being. Pleas help me pray for freedom in this. To bound the evil forces that waants to stop me from reaching out, Sorry again g´´for my inexperience, hope to bw able to improve and ágain be able to ise my microphone and camera, well if I really coud use my filmcamera and extesion microphone that would be grat. But my tech been "dead" for almost a year now.

Secret Agenda,social engineering exposed,TI,gangstalking worldwide,whatisthis?,Hold on,

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