
如何把肩膀練得又圓又大 | Get Bigger & Rounder Shoulders (with English Subtitles) | Terrence Teo

如何把肩膀練得又圓又大 | Get Bigger & Rounder Shoulders (with English Subtitles) | Terrence Teo SUBSCRIBE to my channel: Follow me on Instagram:

肩旁大又宽的好处💪🏼💪🏼!!不管男女都好,只要肩旁宽一点都能够把一个人的外观改变,男生看起来就比较壮跟有型,女生肩膀稍微宽一点,穿起衣服性感又迷人😱😱尤其是穿吊带背心,吊带连衣裙或是吊带长裙都好看的不得了!!🤗🤗那你们还等什么呢?( 又可以健康,又可以拿好看 )这一举两得的好事就马上进行吧🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

No matter if you are a guy or a lady, having a pair of wide, defined and strong shoulders can change your appearance, improve your posture and making you look better in any clothes! Here are my favourite exercises to achieve bigger and rounder shoulders!


我叫张国华,在这里我会分享我朝向 Olympia 的脚步,分享我个人健身的方式,饮食、烹饪🍳、supplements 以及等等。

我是一位IFBB PRO 健体运动员。我健身已经超过15年了,在2013年已经开始了我的比职业赛的生涯,我在世界各地的比赛已经超过17次了,就如美国,印尼,新加坡,泰国,香港,马来西亚,中国,日本,菲利宾等等。我的最高荣誉就是在美国的Musclemania 获得8次冠军。

I'm an IFBB Pro Men's Physique athlete. I started training 15 years ago and began competing at a professional level from 2013. Since then I've competed in over 14 bodybuilding competitions worldwide from U.S.A. to Japan, China, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong and Malaysia.

Some of my highlights include holding the title as a 7x World Physique Champion under the Muslemania Universe and Musclemania America as well as being the 1st Runner Up at the IFBB Japan Pro 2018.

如何把肩膀練得又圓又大 | Get Bigger & Rounder Shoulders | Terrence Teo


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