
Becci Akin Faculty Profile

Becci Akin Faculty Profile Dr. Becci Akin is an Associate professor in the School of Social Welfare at the University of Kansas. She joined the School as a faculty member in 2013. Before joining the KU faculty, Dr. Akin spent her early social work career in child welfare as a caseworker and policy advocate. She also worked in community-based agencies as a macro practitioner on a wide range of human service and community issues. Dr. Akin has taught at the BSW and MSW levels including courses in community practice, social work policy, research methods, program design, grant writing, and agency-based outcomes evaluation. She has recently collaborated with other KUSSW faculty to develop a child welfare certificate program in the School. Dr. Akin's scholarship focuses on understanding the keys to successful implementation and effective and equitable interventions for families involved in child welfare. Her recent publications have examined barriers to permanency for families of children with serious mental health problems; predictors of exits to different types of permanency as influenced by parental substance use; frontline staff perceptions on implementation of evidence-based interventions in foster care; and rigorous outcomes evaluation of evidence-based parenting interventions in child welfare. Dr. Akin has served as principal or co-principal investigator on six federally funded studies, including a randomized study of behavioral parent training for Kansas youth in foster care with significant emotional and behavioral problems. A recent initiative includes partnering with KUSSW colleagues to co-lead the evaluation of the national Quality Improvement Center on Domestic Violence in Child Welfare, and working with an interdisciplinary research team to examine the intergenerational transmission of child abuse and neglect. Dr. Akin has published more than 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals, and presented more than 55 papers at national and international conferences and proceedings. She received her MSW and Ph.D. degrees, with honors, from the University of Kansas.

child welfare,foster care,adoption,children's mental health,parent substance abuse,domestic violence,parent mental health,implementation research,intervention research,translational research,community-based research,evidence-based practice.,Grand Challenge Social Work,Ensuring Healthy Development for all Youth,Twente Hall. KU,Jayhawks,SW,Social,Welfare,

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