
8 Signs That You're Gonna Make It As A Rapper (In The 2020s)

8 Signs That You're Gonna Make It As A Rapper (In The 2020s) How To Make A Full-Time Income From Rap (Without Outside Funding or A Prior Fanbase) [FREE BOOK]:


Since the other day we gave you 7 signs that you’re NEVER gonna make it as a rapper…

We’re going to flip it to the positive today and give you 8 reasons that you’re GONNA make it as rapper!

As mentioned before… when we say, “make it”… we mean have a healthy, sustained full-time career as a rapper…

We’re not talking about one hit wonders who within two years of their hit are caught by TMZ selling their Lambo to pay for legal fees.

We’re talking about being able to do this full-time, traveling around the world, living the life you want to live. It doesn’t have to mean some big chart it success…

It has to mean PERSONAL success, as you define it.


1. People Who Hear Your Music Are ACTIVELY Offering To Help You
This is probably the biggest indication of all.

Look, if you play your music for people even somewhat regularly, and nobody is offering to help you produce content, shoot your videos, telling THEIR friends about you, or anything like that…

Then that is a serious sign you have work to do on the music front.

The real motto you should live by is this:

People are fans based on their actions, not by their words.
Almost every successful artist you can think of from Drake to Kendrick has a team full of people that they grew up with…

Not only because once they got on, it was an opportunity to work with a friend…

But also because they truly BELIEVED in their talent.

On a more personal note, one of my best friends is a multiplatinum producer who recently secured a deal worth… a lot of commas, let’s just put it that way.

This friend has no reason to encourage me to do music, and yet he sends me free beats all the time and tells me to write to them.

Another friend of mine is multimillionaire who personally wants to finance my career.

Another friend has offered numerous times to do all my video work, but he lives in another city.

Anyway, I’m not saying that to brag, in fact I probably should use those resources more…

But I like COACHING better…

But you get the main point.

If you have several friends offering to work for you for free until you get on…

Or every single time you go to a party you have a friend trying to throw your songs on no matter what the DJ is playing…

You’re gonna make it as a rapper.

2. You Know What It’s Like To Write / Record Until You’re Literally Nauseous
Rap coaches don’t talk about this enough.

Artists – if you have not been through a studio (or writing session) that pushes for so long you almost want to step into the bathroom and spill your guts…

There’s work to be done.

Me and the home Rob Level (y’all know him) were just talking about this. We have numerous memories of writing 4, 5, 6 hours a day straight even when we were broke…

Because we could feel the lyrics and flows starting to meld together.

Another example, I recently got off a 15-country world tour last year WHILE recording an album city to city.

That’s actually not that uncommon for a full-time artist.

In any case, you can imagine with all the partying, jet lag, and what little sightseeing we were able to get done…

The last thing I wanted to do was record and write with my voice and BRAIN all hungover and tired.

But we had been paid to record and write so we HAD to do it.

So if you are an artist that knows what it’s like to keep doing it even when you’re exhausted to get that last PERFECT take to finish the song…

Like all the greats from 2Pac to Wayne to Kanye to Eminem did…

Then you’re gonna make it.

If you’re struggling with pushing through that last part of motivation or getting those hours in, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel with notifications because I have a very important announcement coming up regarding a motivation program we’re developing.

3. You Are Aware That The Chorus Is The Most Important Part of The Song
This is a HUGE one that separates the men from the boys.

There are a lot of artists that believe that the average fan consumes music like them.

And when I mean by this, is that they believe the average fan is listening to LA Leakers freestyles and 5 Fingers of Death on the daily and is only concerned with “bars bars bars”…

OR that they literally only listen to the beat and nothing else…

Neither is true.
The fact of the matter is the average fan is looking for a SONG that they can SING or RAP ALONG to the directly speaks to the EMOTIONAL STATE they are in.

Again… they are looking for something they can: 1) RAP A LONG TO…

That speaks to the 2) EMOTIONAL STATE…


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